Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Feast of Rot

Hello and welcome to the grand opening of my new blog. This blog is going to focus mainly on building decks for casual MTG play, all the while trying to stay under the budget limit of $100, and with out further a do, let us begin.

The first deck I have for us today is a Black/Green deck built around the sacrifice mechanic. With sacrifice engines such as Fallen Angel, Devouring Swarm, and Demonmail Hauberk to keep your creatures dying for triggers on Lumberknot, Mortician Beetle, and Grave Pact, with a couple others thrown in there too. The creatures chosen to be sacrificed are Reassembling Skeleton, and Bloodghast. You can check out the full decklist here, http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/feast-of-rot/.

The name of the game with this deck is to play your Mortician Beetle by turn one or two, then play a couple of sacrifice fodder creatures, drop any sac engine you can, then watch that beetle turn from a humble 1/1 into a gargantuan 10/10 very quickly. If that doesn't work, a Fallen Angel with a Reassembling Skeleton sacrificed to it 4 or 5 times in a turn is also a great way to destroy your opponents.

Although the deck is fairly light in instants, sorceries, and other utility spells, board control won't be that big of an issue. With Grave Pact on the field, every time you kill one of your own creatures, your opponents must sacrifice a creature as well. This means double the counters for your Mortician Beetle and Lumberknot, as well as double the life gain and loss from your Falkenrath Noble.

Here is a breakdown of how your turns should look.
Turn 1: Play a swamp, play a mortician beetle
Turn 2: Play a land, and either a Reassembling Skeleton or Bloodghast, swing with the beetle if your opponents are open.
Turn 3: Swing with Bloodghast, if it's blocked, play a land Second Main Phase to bring it back, then play a Devouring Swarm or hold for Beast Within
Turn 4: Playing either Grave Pact, Falkenrath Noble, or Lumberknot, with either of those down and you sacrificing your Bloodghast to your Devouring Swarm, you get real scary real quick.
Turn 5: Play Fallen Angel and move to combat phase and attack if it is beneficial.

From here on out, you should play a Demonmail Hauberk and play things as they are needed. Try to keep your hand full with Grim Backwoods, and drop that bomb Ghoultree, seeing as how it should be pretty cheap with a few creatures in your Graveyard.

Until next time, keep your hand full, and your creatures deadly.

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